The Favor of God | Pastor Aloysius | Aloysius Prophetic And Healing Ministries Butunduzi Uganda

God's Favor Is Not Luck 

The Favor of God

John 1:16 And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace.

The word "grace" is usually translated favour. That is because God’s grace is God's unmerited favor. God's favor is not luck.

So many Christians pray and wish for some luck and when things don't change, they wonder why. Luck is a superstitious belief. It's something attributed to fate or magic

But as Christians we don't rely on magic but God's favor . God's favor brings preferential treatment, advantage, increase and promotion. With God’s favor, good things will always happen.
God's favor brings blessings. Acknowledge and confess God's favor

Pastor Aloysius (
