He Crowned Your Year With Goodness | Pastor Aloysius | Aloysius Prophetic And Healing Ministries Butunduzi, Uganda

He Crowned Your Year With Goodness 

 Psalm 65:11 Thou crownest the year with thy goodness; and thy paths drop fatness.

God has crowned your year with goodness
You can experience God's favor right until the end of of year. If they are things you have been praying for and you still haven't received them, don't give up. Believe that God has crowned your year with bounty.

Psalms 65:11, "God has crown my year with his goodness, And my paths drip with abundance."
Refuse to lack anything. You are going to be walking in a abundance. 
God will grant you your petitions. He will fulfill the desires of your heart

Pastor Aloysius 
